
Healthy Habits Baked Goods

All About Healthy Habits

Hey there! If you’re reading this, welcome :). My name is Caitlin, and Healthy Habits is a passion project that i’ve been working on for the past year or so. I’ve always loved baking and picked up this passion from baking with my mom as a teen. And there’s something so exciting making a goody you’re really passionate about, and sharing it with your friends. Baking is most definitely my love language, and I’m so excited to see where this new project takes me!

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Caitlin Lam
Oat Flour Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are one of those easy go to baked goods that everyone tends to enjoy. I’ve been on a mission to only bake healthy goodies. So when I came across oat flour cookies on Beaming Baker, I made them. A lot. I was obsessed. My friends were obsessed. It was a total success. But I wanted to make my own version, so I started messing around with em.

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Caitlin Lam
Healthified Banana Bread

Okay so at the start of covid, we all went through that weird phase of baking banana bread nonstop, right? No? Just me? I definitely don’t believe you. Honestly, I’ve always been a huge sucker for banana bread. I mean tell me I’m wrong but I can’t think of many things better than a fresh out of the oven slice of banana bread with some butter on top.

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Caitlin Lam
Apple Cinnamon Muffins

It's officially fall! Now I don't know about you but my taste cravings start changing the moment Vancouver becomes raincouver (gloomcouver? dampcouver?). Well, whatever you call Vancouver in the fall, as soon as the air gets crisp and I start to pull out all of my warm layers, I feel a strong urge to start baking with two of my favourite things: apples and cinnamon.

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Caitlin Lam